Steps to move to Canada
Migration Services
Over 340,000 immigrants are admitted into the Beautiful and Peaceful country of Canada on an annual basis.

Admission processing to securing a Study Visa (temporary resident visa) to Canadian universities is just one of our numerous educational services.

Employment Support
Pelek Consulting is recognized for rendering several forms of employment support to landed immigrants across immigration classes.

- Visa processing guide
- Settlement services on arrival
- Schorlaship
- Academic consulting
- Corporate training & development
- Admission processing
- School registration and admission assistance
- Study permit processing
- Pre-departure orientation
- Spouse work permit & children study permit processing
- Maintaining and/or renewing student status
- Post-graduation work permit (PGWP) application
- Job interview, placement, and career training
- Permanent residence processing
Support Services
- Flight booking
- Accommodation
- Document renewal or extension
- Job searching
- Other migration services
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Steps to Move to Canada
Steps to Move to Canada – Canada remains one of the most acclaimed ex-pat complaints with in excess of 650,000 Brits starting at now calling it home. With completely open spaces and ensured, rich metropolitan regions, the upsides of living in the Great White North are clear. Canada is one of the most secure, secure and lively nations on the planet with different additional favourable circumstances from polar bears toward the Northern Lights. An immense number of Britons make the move over the Atlantic reliably and on the off chance that you’re looking for another home abroad, here are 10 certain inspirations to move to Canada:
Steps Move to Canada from Nigeria
– Completely secure
Canada’s low wrongdoing rate is resented the world over, particularly among its southern neighbours. Wild bad behaviour is extremely remarkable and gun ownership is close to different occasions lower than in the US. This has upheld Canada’s overall standing and in 2014, the OECD Better Life Index allowed Canada an essential 9.7 out of 10 for prosperity and security. Gun ownership is lower generally considering the way that Canadians simply have a sense of safety. The route toward obtaining a license and a firearm is in like manner long and extreme, particularly when stood out from the US.
Steps Move to Canada from Nigeria
– Instruction Matters
Canada regards guidance and has since a long time prior ensured all young inhabitants approach the best mentoring open paying little mind to what their experience. The public authority spends more per capita on guidance than various countries on the planet. Taking everything into account, stay in tutoring longer than most various countries. This, accordingly, has made a particularly instructed, liberally repaid society that really offers uncommon employment open entryways for skilled ex-taps.
Steps to Move to Canada from Nigeria – Multicultural Melting Pot
Canada’s Anglo-French culture was ingrained in the public character from its beginning. Thusly, today isn’t anything surprising that it is one of the most various nations on earth. 41 of Canada’s 338 people from parliament were brought into the world abroad ensuring opposition and multiculturalism are progressed and made sure about at the center of government.
You can’t walk around a street in Toronto or Vancouver without hearing a new tongue being spoken or getting the scent of some alluring worldwide food. For an ex-pat, it is definitely not hard to sink into life in Canada as affirmation and respect are a great deal of a bit of the public psyche. If you are anxious to get out, meet new people and handle your new country, Canada is set up to get a handle on you.
Steps to Move to Canada from Nigeria – A Tolerant and Broad-Minded Society
Canada’s free and liberal standing is a lot of obtained. It has for quite a while been a pioneer of social balance and was the key country outside Europe to authorized same-sex marriage longer than 10 years earlier. Canada’s multicultural, diverse soul is clear in the two it’s momentous movement system and its zero obstruction approach to manage scorn infringement and racial abuse. The OECD has even named it the best country on earth for affirmation and opposition of minorities.
Canada has since a long time prior comprehended the points of interest skilled pilgrims can bring to their country and, explicitly, their economy. Their sensible and sensible development technique gives anyone truly prepared to make a successful life in Canada a fair chance of achieving their targets. Accordingly, Canadians can dare to the furthest corners of earth for the most part uninhibitedly, secured in the data that they will be welcome to any place they go.
Steps to Move to Canada from Nigeria – Financial Strength and Stability
The postcard pictures of marvelous lakes and mountains are indeed engaging, be that as it may, anyone moving to another country should consider the utilitarian and money related favorable circumstances of any possible target. Luckily, Canada has maybe the most grounded economy on earth and has a tremendous arrangement of expert options for any longing ex-pat.
Move to Canada from Nigeria – Canada’s monetary system is the bedrock of its strong, secure economy and has been projected a voting form the most consistent on earth for seven progressive years by the World Economic Forum. This financial security grants Canada to offer respectable individual fulfillment for by a wide margin a large portion of its inhabitants and has the second-best nature of living of all the G20 nations.
Steps to Move to Canada from Nigeria – General Healthcare Canada’s clinical administration structure is one of the most appealing and by and large accessible on the planet. Clinical treatment is commonly free at the reason for usage and upheld by government charges. Each area is given a prosperity spending intend to direct locally and issue prosperity cards to each certified tenant allowing them to get to clinical administrations.
Dependent upon which sort of visa you have, an expat may be permitted a prosperity card, in any case, it justifies examining before hand if you need to take out private insurance. There can be extended keeping it together events for specific frameworks, in any case, this is somewhat cost to pay for permission to most likely the best staff, workplaces and treatment procedures on the planet.
Steps to Move to Canada from Nigeria – Enormous and Beautiful
With pretty much 10 million square kilometers of amazing open nation, Canada is the second greatest country on earth and point of fact one of the most superb. From ice-bound artic tundra and snow sprinkled tops to sparkling lakes and immense woodlands, Canada can take your breath away consistently. Reliably and event will be squeezed with skiing, whale seeing, kayaking and moving around this magnificent wild. For a more momentous experience, shouldn’t something be said about swimming with a polar bear or snoozing in an ice in? You can do it all in Canada.
Toronto was starting late named the fourth most engaging city on earth, exhibiting that even the metropolitan networks are flawless in Canada. With a respectably little people of just 35 million spread over this tremendous country, there’s a great deal of room and reasonably esteemed housing everywhere.
Steps to Move to Canada from Nigeria – Culinary Culture
Despite putting forth a defense for the flawed honor of envisioning the Hawaiian pizza, Canada truly has an amazingly progressed culinary scene. In metropolitan networks, for instance, Toronto, Vancouver and Montreal you can find present-day European bistros, for instance, Toqué and Canoe offering excellent quality, top of the line food, however with a laid back Canadian style.
Convergences of relocation from Europe, Asia and South America have improved and upgraded Canada’s bistro scene. In most enormous metropolitan zones you will find an epic variety of overall food, from Vietnamese and Thai to Iranian and Lebanese. At the contrary completion of the scale, the public dish, Poutine, is a brilliant blend of fries, sauce and cheddar curds and is worshiped the country over.
Steps to Move to Canada from Nigeria – Great Sense of Humor
While Canadians are regularly a happy, eager pack, they understand not to focus on themselves too. These laid backwoods is known worldwide for its direct, straight-talking hilarious tendency. With extraordinary comedians, for instance, John Candy, Dan Aykroyd, Jim Carrey and Mike Myers all hailing from Canada, it’s undeniably an interesting spot making this a basic extension to our best 10 inspirations to move to Canada list. Most Canadians will value getting a charge out of a good laugh about anything from the atmosphere to authoritative issues, notwithstanding, be sure not to kid about ice hockey as that is a savage authentic business.
Steps to Move to Canada from Nigeria – Normally Rich
Canada’s consistent economy depends on the strong foundations of its trademark wealth. To a huge compensation from the oil and gas industry, gold, copper, iron metal and uranium all add to the country’s stunning GDP. The rich central fields are ideal for developing and grant Canada to exchange critical proportions of wheat and various grains similarly as wood and lumber things. Canada’s ordinary wealth has also benefitted its flourishing traveller industry as people run from wherever the world to see elk, polar bears and whales and perhaps get a concise gander at the Northern Lights.
Within excess of 250,000 travellers settling here reliably, Canada is clearly an untainted target for any presumable ex-pat. There are terribly various inspirations to fuse yet if these best 10 inspirations to move to Canada have mixed your yearn for something new, take a gander at our Canada target manual to finding more.